A downloadable game

Personal introduction

    My name is JinHao Li and I am a programmer in our ar group. I worked for the Monster Generation , some VFX effects , Others ( contains Part of UI logic , AR Technology implement and Project Workflow/stands).

Project Overview:      

    This is an augmented reality (AR) horror game where the player take on the role of a monster hunter, trying to complete the commission - using a mobile device that can visualize the dark world to find hidden monsters.

    The player's goal is to find all the monsters in the area you stay in before the power of the device runs out, taking pictures to scan the monsters' features and uploading them.

    Pay attention to the fact that some of the monsters' attacks will reduce the player's sanity; keep your mental condition as good as possible or you will be forced out of the mission.

    Key Words:  Dark ; Psychological Horror ; Atmospheric Horror; Jump Scare

Wireless headphones and playing in a dark environment are recommended.

    Technology used:  ARKit & ARCore, Plane Detection, Post-Processing, Spatial Sound, Interactive UI.

- Implemented with Unity

- Team member: Yixuan Wang, Yuyan Wu, Cengyue Yuan, Jinhao Li, Han Dong

User Flow 

My Contribution

Monster Generation

You can find more code detail on this github linksDarkening

    This is the one of the most important gameplay part of our ar horror game . It contains the procedural monster 

generation algorithm with ar technology ( will talk about it in " other" part).

    The basic logic is : ar device will detect several planes , that is called " pre-scan", after the process of pre-scan and when player presses the play button , one true monster will be generated first based on the distance to the player camera.Then the algorithm will execute several times ,in each time , it will random generate a 2D point ( x and z position ) and check if it is contained in the ar planes , if it is , generate a random y position and combine them into a new Vector3. That Vector3 will be the next monster 's position. Before the generate , the algorithm will also compare if the next monster is too short to the last monster, and cancel this execute. After the whole amount of fake monster are generated , I made a procedural animation to switch the true monster by changing the textures and tag of them , and it looks like the true monster is switching his position rapidly. 

Global Volume

   It contain two volume ( for simplified reason , I just added two global volume) : vignette and color grading. Vignette is a camera-like effects which can create some black effects around screen 's corner. Color grading is adjusting the  exposure of our project to make it looks more darker in sceen .


    I made two VFX in this project : A smoke particle system and a blood after image post-processing.  The smoke particle system is just a normal VFX with some best textures and system settings. The blood after image post-processing is quiet interesting , it is generally a blit effect ( a texrue of blood with normal) . This blit texture will appear when player is hitted by monsters. It is controled by a float value called " bloodAmount" , and fill the blit texture so if player has a low health, the blit texture 's alpha will be nearly 1 and it looks very bloody.

Others(Part of UI logic,  AR Technology, Project Workflow/standard)

    The UI resources are not created by me , but I create part of UI logic such as some press / invisable logic.  The ar technology is the ar plane detection , it uses the device ar ability to detect which plane is horizantol / vertical , and display the plane by the settings. I also made the workflow of the project and the art resources standard of the project. The workflow contains we will use Github to co-develop , the variable command format , the folder format and the project settings in Unity " such as use the gamma space because some plugins reasons". The art resources standard contains which textures of model I will use to combine them into a physical based rendering style and the limit faces of each models, also the name formot of each art resources.

A walk-through video of your application  

This contains a Youtube links , you can find it behind or on the side of this web page.

Reflection journey 

      As for me , the argument reality project is a sudden project . Because I'm changing my programme to Computer Games: Programming in the fourth weeks , and have't listen to any courses of argument reality. The school's system distributes me this class and I had to find a group which is still lack of members ( because at that moment , all of class were built in a ar group). Luckily , one group just has one programmer and they accepts me and I began my ar project journey. In my opinion , I can mark a 75 score for my works and the result of our projects. It didn't look like what we expected first , but we finished it and try our best. Actually and honestly , I have learned a lot during this group project , such as a desinger is quiet important and each members should pay their full efforts into the same goals. You can not do anything you want , you need to adapt group members 's time and needs and what things they can do/reach. Although we didn't reach the first goal we have made , but I think we were doing were !  There is a sentence called : if you can reach 50% of your first goal , you are be considered a sucess . Congratulations to us ! WE ARE SUCESSFUL!

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